Saturday, 11 October 2014

School locker snacks! If you're on a budget

In the past I've tried to maximise my lunch spends up to £10 a week because I didn't want to be a hassle. Now that I am in sixth form, food is crucial to learning!.

So here are some snack ideas to keep in your locker just in case you get hungry during the school day:

(note: some of the items may involve microwaves since some sixth fork rooms do have access to microwave)

1. Popcorn (pre made at home or microwave packets)
2. Trail mix (In jar or zip lock)
3. A pack of rice cakes (sealed in a zip lock)
3. Sweet Potatoe chips (in packets)
4. Pretzels (in small packs or zip lock)
5. Cookies (in a sealed zip lock)
6. Sweetcorn (in a can)
7. Unsalted tortillas
8. A few bottles of water
9. Skittles
10. Box of granola bars
11. Coffee sachets (I know it's not a snack)
12. Cup a soup (don't eat too frequently)
13. Crackers (In sealed zip locks)
14. Mini packs of almonds
15. Sachets of dried fruit

I may add to this list after a while but that's all I got for today.
I tried to keep the items as healthy ad possible.

Further notes:
-don't leave your food there for a long time. No more than a week with opened or pre cooked items. Always check the expiration date.
-make sure you keep your locker neat and tidy. Throw all trash away.
- lockers are for books and not a dry cupboard so don't store a ton of food.
-be sanitary? Keep all of your food items in Secure zip locks. I would probably bring a medium plastic box to store all of the food, separated from food and gym wear etc.
-you could also leave in a small amount of utensils or a plastic spork needed. It might even be handy to keep napkins and sanitiser as well too.
-throw all the uneaten food before you take a school break or long weakened so it does not rot in your locker and you avoid food poisoning. Just be hygienic basically!
-don't leave dairy products either.

That's all for today I hope you got some inspirations from this. :)
Happy savings!


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