I also find myself becoming more comfortable in expressing the type of music that I've always liked listening to. In the past I was the only one out of my group of peers that liked rock music or was into bands, so I never openly discussed that side of me, in fear that I would be judged. Until within the past year I've found many other people who like the music that I listen to too! and I'm so bummed that I won't be seeing most of them at all next year -because they will be going to a different school- so we won't be able to share musical oppinions and songs. However, I do have those people on my social media sites so I guess the' fangirling' can still be possible over the web. But now I feel like the music I listen to plays a large part of who I am because music surrounds my life. So if it's part of me I mfeel like I shouldn't be afraid to express my love for all the types of music that I listen to. Maybe if I wasn't so shy about my passion for music a few years back, I could have been able to stretch my abilities in music more, and have been able to create betters relations with other people within my school who were alike me.
The lesson learn here is, you don't have to always go with what other people like or what the most popular trend is, just because your afraid to stand out, or be judged, or be made fun out of because you prefer/like something different. If your peers do that to you, then it's not your fault - if they were your genuine freinds maybe they would find it strange at first, but will NOT discriminate you for it. Don't be scared to stand out, because those qualities give you spirt, individuality and a sense of freedom because you are confident about expressing yourself. If you do feel like you don't belong to a certian clique, eventually you will find people who are like you and the crowd you are comfortable with. Whether it's a big gorup of people or just one other person.
At the end of the day, in my oppinion everything we do gets judge by people who feel/think differently to us anyway. Be confident about it, as long as you're not hurting anyone else, be free to just be YOU.
HERE is my current playlist